A fabulous brand that takes special care to create some of the finest sparkling ciders, Ashridge Cider is a name that is extremely well known in Devon. With a string of awards and amazing techniques, Ashridge Cider has come a long way since its first product.

Ashridge Cider

Making their name through their range of sparkling ciders using the traditional Champagne method, their innovative product was soon known as 'Devon's appley answer to Champagne'. Expanding to go on to produce bottled organic vintage ciders using up to 15 different varieties of bitter-sweet and bitter-sharp apples, Ashridge soon won several awards including the Top 50 Foods at the Great Taste Awards 2013 for their Organic Cider Devon Blush and Supreme Champion at the Royal Bath and West Show for their Sparkling Vintage Cider.

Now offering a range of sparkling soft drinks made using carefully blended ingredients, Ashridge Cider has continued to grow. Here at Devon Hampers we are proud to stock a great brand that continues to create wonderful recipes that taste simply delicious.

Our Products

We stock a wide range of Ashridge Cider beverages, perfect for any occasion.

Ashridge Organic Cider Vintage 2012 50 cl 

Ashridge Cider

Ashridge Organic Cider Vintage 2012 50 cl 

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Post By Lauren Smith