There’s nothing better than enjoying a cosy, autumnal evening at home, curled up and watching a movie. You know it's the time of year for doing just that as the weather turns and days become shorter, but have you got everything you need to get the most out of your cosy evening in? Here’s out essentials checklist to help you prepare:

A Soft And Cosy Blanket

You can’t beat curling up and lounging with a big, soft and fluffy blanket.  The options are vast and you may even like to choose a weighted blanket which can help bring peace and security to those feeling stressed or anxious.  They may also help if you are planning on watching something a little scary around Halloween.

Your Favourite PJs

You can‘t have a movie night dressed in your day clothes, there’s only one appropriate attire for a movie night and that’s pyjamas!  Your favourite, comfiest PJs are a must to help you feel cosy and relaxed.

Hot Chocolate

An absolute staple for autumn and winter, movie night or no movie night.  Hot drinks will help you to feel warm inside, can warm your hands whilst you drink it and there’s something about a warm milky drink that is incredibly relaxing.  Check out these delicious Hot Chocolate Spoon flavours from Kernow Chocolate. 

Scented Candles

Scented candles may sound a little cheesy but they are still incredibly popular.  Not only does candle light add to a cosy and warm atmosphere, but you can choose a fragrance that is in keeping with the time of year or you could choose something soothing and relaxing such as chamomile or lavender. 

Choose A Movie Night Hamper Or Snacks

Snacks are most definitely the best part about a movie night, who watches a film without a bag of popcorn or some tasty crisps?  Certainly not us!  We have plenty of delicious treats and snacks available here at Devon Hampers, so you can pick your favourites and create your own movie night hamper box.  Or, why not choose our carefully pre-selected Movie Night For Two Hamper that contains both sweet and savoury treats and is perfect for couples.    

So you have everything you need from our above list, all that is left to do is choose your movie or movies and snuggle up with your partner or family and enjoy some quality time out and relax, just try not to fall asleep! 


Post By Kelly